
I’m a normal girl with an abnormal tendency for being accident-prone. I tumble down stairways, slip on non-existent banana peels, bang my head at least once a day; you get the gist, don’t you? I love to travel, be it a weekend away from the city or a month away from modern civilization. Though I love being on the go, there are also times when I love hitting the pause button to take a step back from the excitement. At such times, a cup of perfectly-brewed French-pressed coffee and good company do wonders to revitalize the soul. Meeting new people, experiencing new things, experimenting with the camera and reading a good book are some of my favourite things to do, as are learning about languages and cultures. And baking, of course. My family and friends love me for the cakes and desserts that I bake, but they run away immediately if I start cooking. Their fear is well-founded; I tend to burn even toast and instant noodles. But I have hopes that I can, one day, cook a two course dinner all by myself (Update: There’s progress here, now that I have to survive on my own food!). That’s what, in a nutshell, my posts are about. Travelling, books, stories, accidents, progress, and enjoying the good moments. Oh, and don’t forget that stray thought here and there!


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